Curvesome - An Original Typeface


Curvesome is a typeface I designed from scratch in my Fundamentals of Typography class. We drew inspiration for our typefaces from everyday objects in the real world, and mine is inspired by the structure of binder clips. I spent hours refining this typeface to ensure consistent weight, style, and stroke across the entire alphabet set.

Design Problem:

To create an original typeface from real life inspiration and then integrate into the real world in mediums where it fits.

Design Process:

Throughout my design process I focused on creating a design where, for example, I could flip a "d" into a "p" while maintaining consistency. I paid close attention to ensuring that all counters, cap heights, ascenders, and descenders were uniform throughout the entire typeface.

Design Solution:

After many iterations of creating the curvesome typeface, I finally felt like the anatomy, consistency and legibility of the typeface worked well. The solution was then to test the typeface spelling out different sentences.

It Started with Binder Clips

And then a Typeface was born!

Expansions/Mock Ups


